Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Catnip - Everything You Need to Know About Catnip!


Catnip is a perennial herb and member of the Mint family Labiatae that  is well known   for it's ability to get cat's high. It is native to Europe & Asia, however has become naturalised in America & Canada after being introduced. There are approximately 250 species of Catnip, and this figure doesn't include hybrid species. Some of the more readily available ones are:

Common Catnip (Nepeta cataria) White flowers, grows up to 3 feet. This is the variety most cats enjoy.
Camphor Catnip (Nepeta camphorataWhite flowers with purple dots, grows up to 18 inches. Camphor scent.
Greek Catnip (Nepeta parnassica)White, pale pink flowers, grows up to 18 inches.
Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria citriodora)White flowers, spotted with purple, grows up to 3 feet. The leaves have a lemony scent.
Catmint (Nepeta mussinii)

Purple flowers. This plant has smallish, grey/green leaves. It grows up to 15 inches high.
The name Nepeta is believed to have come from the town of Nepete in Italy. Cataria is thought to have come from the Latin word for cat.
Catnip is also known by the following names:   Cataria,  Catmint, Catnep, Catrup, Cat's Heal All,  Cat's-play, Cat's Wort, Catswort, Catwort, Chi Hsueh Tsao, Field Balm, Garden Nep, Herba Cataria, Herba Catti, Nebada, Nep.

The active ingredient which causes this is an essential oil called nepetalactone, which can be found in the leaves & stem of the plant. Other constituents include Acetic Acid,  Alpha & beta-nepetalactone, Citral,  Nepetalactone,  Geraniol, Dipentene, Citronellol, Nerol, Butyric Acid, Valeric Acid and Tannins.

When a cat encounters catnip, it usually sniffs it, rubs against it, licks it & finally eats it. It's actually the sniffing that gets produces the high, it's believed that cats eat catnip to bruise the catnip & therefore release more of the nepetalactone. The high produced will usually last between five & ten minutes.

When sniffed, catnip will stimulate a cat, however when eaten it will act as a sedative.
Around 50% of cats are affected by catnip, and those who are, are affected to differing degrees. Kittens younger than 8 weeks old aren't  able to enjoy it's effects. In fact, they show an aversion to it.  The response to catnip appears to be inherited as an autosomal gene. It's not just domesticated cats who enjoy the effects of catnip, many lot of wild species also enjoy it.  Cats can smell 1 part in a billion  in the air. Males & females, entire or desexed, there appears to be no one group who is more readily affected by catnip than another.

Nepetalactone causes a hallucinogenic effect. Some say the effects are similar to LSD, others say similar to marijuana. Because cats roll on the floor, which mimics a female in estrus, it has been suggested that catnip acts as an aphrodisiac, but this is unlikely as males react in just the same way. What is likely is the cat is reacting to similar "feel good" pheromones released during  sexual courtship/activity. However, non sexual behaviour including playing, chasing & hunting can also be observed.  The response to catnip is via the olfactory system. Even cats who can't smell will can still respond to catnip.

The effects of catnip seem to change from cat to cat. I have one cat who drools & rolls on the floor, I have another one who becomes very hyperactive, a third becomes aggressive, and picks fights with the other cats when he's had catnip.

Catnip is not harmful to your cat. They won't overdose on it.  Most cats know when they've had enough & will refuse any further offers.
Interestingly, researchers say that nepetalactone is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitos than DEET, which is the active ingredient in most insect repellents. It was also discovered that catnip repels cockroaches too!* Plants aren't alone in containing nepetalactone, some insects & ants also contain it. It's been speculated that this protects them from insects.
Rats & mice are also believed to have a strong dislike of catnip & will avoid places where it grows.

If you set it, the cats will eat it. If you sow it, the cats don't know it.
Philip Miller, The Gardener's Dictionary
This saying came about because fresh catnip is supposedly more attractive to cats when it is bruised & transplanting catnip bruises the leaves. I don't know how much truth there is to that, certainly my cats will have a nibble on the catnip I keep in their enclosure, which hasn't been bruised.

Catnip is usually fairly easy to grow, you should be able to  purchase the plant from your local garden centre. It likes light sandy soil, and grows best in full sun.
Most pet shops either sell catnip toys, or tried catnip. When storing catnip, put it in an air tight container, in the fridge or freezer.
To dry fresh catnip, hang upside down in a dry, ventilated area, away from the sun.

Human uses:
Catnip tends to have a sedative effect on humans. It is most often drunk as a tea.
It is also useful for settling an upset stomach. It has also been used to treat headaches, scarlet fever, coughing, insomnia & smallpox.

Catnip can also be used for cuts, studies show it has a natural healing quality. Crush fresh catnip leaves, damp them & apply to your cut. **
Some other medicinal uses for catnip are: Anaesthetic, antibiotic, anti rheumatic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, chills, cold in the joints, haemorrhoids, toothache.

K'Eogh, in his Irish Herbal (1735) wrote of catnip, "It provokes urination and menstruation: it expels the stillborn child; it opens obstructions of the lungs and the womb, and is good for internal bruises and shortness of breath. Drunk with salt and honey, it expels worms from the body." ***

Pregnant women should avoid catnip.
It can also be used as an aromatic herb in cooking & salads.
According to The Herb Garden, "The root when chewed is said to make the most gentle person fierce and quarrelsome". In fact, there is a story about an executioner who would have to chew on the root of catnip so he could bring himself to do kill.

Valerian also produces the same reaction in cats. As do plants which contain the chemical Actinidine.