Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cat Shit Coffee

“It’s the cat’s ass!”
Cat Shit Coffee, or Kopi Luwak as it is known in Sumatra, is renowned all over the world for its incredibly delicious, subtle, lingering flavor and exceptional smoothness. It is the world’s premiere rare & exotic coffee.
Deep in the heart of the Sumatran jungle, where the roads are few and the people fewer, the stealthy Luwak roams free. This adorable cat burglar will make its way to coffee plantations when the crop is in season, using its superior senses to select only the choicest of coffee cherries. After digestion, these organic beans are gathered by hand from the rainforest floor and then taken by oxcart to an earthen kiln where they are gently roasted by a native coffee artisan.

Genuine Kopi Luwak coffee beans release hidden flavor compounds from the beans that are never accessed by regular roasting and brewing. These wonderful, locked-away flavors are released because of the natural enzymes of the Luwak. Cat Shit Coffee is commonly known among connoisseurs as the world’s best-tasting coffee.

Although the coffee is expensive per pound, the affordable price of Cat Shit Coffee allows everyone to enjoy this rare delicacy.Our Kopi Luwak is whole-heartedly guaranteed... If it isn’t the smoothest cup of coffee you have ever drank, simply return it for a 110% refund. In addition to this solid endorsement, we ship all Cat Shit Coffee with a certificate of authenticity that is ready to be framed and mounted on your wall.